
Rally Around A Kid With Kidney Disease

The vehicle and participant entry fees paid on registration only covers the cost of delivering the Kidney Kar Rally. That’s why we ask participants to fundraise as well, so the funds donated go towards our Kidney Kids and Youth Programs.

You’re making a big difference by taking part in the Kidney Kar Rally and we need your support to raise as much money as possible!

Upload a photo to your fundraising page

Update the wording too, and share why you’re taking part in this year’s Kidney Kar Rally. The more personalised you make your page, the better!

Put your foot on the (fundraising) gas 

Make the first donation to your fundraisng page. It might sound silly, but the most successful fundraisers always make a donation to themselves first. It lets people know that you’re serious about raising money for kidney disease, and sets the bar for the average gift amount.

Rally your friends & family and get the word out

No point building a lovely fundraising page if you don’t show it to anyone, so email your page to friends and family, or simply copy the link and post it to your social media accounts, and ask people to sponsor you.

It’s not as scary as it sounds. People get a kick out of helping out their buddies! Remember, it’s all for a great cause.

Register your fundraising activities

Contact us to get your fundraising activities added to the Kidney Kar Rally “Fundraising Events” calendar to let other Rallytives know what you are up to. We can all support each other!


Fundraising Event Ideas

Car Wash

Get your friends together and set up a car
wash station. Put up posters around the
neighbourhood to spread the word.

Hold a Raffle

Everyone loves a raffle. Ask people to donate
prizes or sell tickets at school, work
or at your community event.
(Please check your state rules on raffles)

Host a Morning Tea

Whether it’s at work, school or with family and 
friends, a morning or afternoon tea is sure to bring 
people together for a worthy cause.

Garage Sale

We all have items that we don't need. Declutter your life and raise funds at the same time. Win Win!

Golf Day

Charge an entry fee for players and ask a
local business to donate food or drinks to
sell and fundraise for the day.

Host an Event

Get your friends and family together and host an event, make it rally themed or a dress up party. People can purchase tickets, donate on the night and learn about why you are raising funds for kids fighting kidney disease.


Visit local businesses and ask them to
donate goods or services for the auction in 
exchange for promotion of their business.


There’s nothing better than a good BBQ! At
your local bunnings store, at the park, or
even at home.

If you have any questions, we are always here to help. Email and Angela or Elias will be able to assist.